2010年4月22日 星期四

Master Co 網上講座 4/23

Master Co 網上講座
體驗的個體(experiencing being) -- 講座(五)

請撥空參加Master Co的網上講座: MCKS 金蓮經 -- Experiencing Being

時間:4/23 早上10am

這是『體驗的個體』第五章,Master Co 將細說寬恕的不同層面,包括:

  • 如何將性能量轉化成愛、親密、創造力,及聖性合一。/How to transmute sexual energy into love, intimacy, creativity and Divine Oneness
  • 透過與你伴侶在實體上、情感上、心智上、精神上的連結來豐富你與他的關係。/Enrich your relationships by connecting to your partner physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually
  • 利用『主禱文』轉化自然的性能量成為精神上的助力,加速靈修的進展。/Using the Lord's Prayer to transmute raw sexual energy into spiritual fuel for rapid spiritual development
  • 清晰、簡要的探討肉體死亡與靈性的解放。/Clear and simple discussion on physical death and Spiritual Liberation
  • 我們的靈魂如何在無數的轉世中背負靈性的債務與福得。/How the Soul carries spiritual debts and spiritual profits through countless incarnations
  • 如何運用遠古的靜做法幫助自己或他人在死亡的時刻步上光之路。/How to use ancient meditations to help oneself and others to reach for the light at the time of transition
  • 如何透過練習準確感知力的美德來幫助接引世界和平。/Practicing the virtue of accurate perception to help usher in World Peace

